Thư độc giả: Nhà cầm quyền Hà Nội phải tôn trọng nhân quyền và
chăm sóc sức khỏe đặc biệt ngay cho blogger Điếu Cày

Dear Sir and or Madam,
This is Martin Hagn
From Germany, I would like to signature in the Statement requesting the Vietnam- Hanoi government and its communist that they shall respect the human’s right and immediately provide special health care service to Blogger Dieu Cay that your group have stated. Hanoi government must understand that every one have the rights to talk, thinks and share. The Hanoi government please do not stolen that rights of Vietnamese people. The Hanoi government stops killing Vietnamese, that is over their suffer that million Vietnamese people had been killed during some stupid wars in the past.
Respectfull yours,
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